Kunjungan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan ke Suaka Rhino Sumatera Taman Nasional Way Kambas

Kunjungan kerjanya Menteri LHK kali ini yaitu sehubungan dengan kelahiran badak sumatera yang tentu saja hal ini merupakan kabar yang sangat menggembirakan.

Menjelang akhir tahun 2023, kabar gembira datang dari dunia konservasi Indonesia. Pada Sabtu, 25 November 2023, satu ekor anak badak sumatera (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) berjenis kelamin jantan lahir dari induk bernama Delilah di Suaka Rhino Sumatera Taman Nasional Way Kambas (SRS TNWK). Kelahiran ini sekaligus menjadi kelahiran badak sumatera kedua di tahun 2023.


Fun learning to children on rhino conservation in Climate Reality Fair.

Marking 10 years of work in Indonesia, The Climate Reality Project held a series of events of which was titled “Climate Reality Fair” in collaboration with Javara Culture and was held on 2-4 August 2019 at Javara Culture, Kemang, South Jakarta. On the third day of the event, the Indonesian Rhino Foundation (YABI) participated in one…

Rhino horn trade investigation led to an Ivory trade arrest in Lampung province.

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park Forest Guardian Rapid Reaction Team apprehended a suspect trader of Sumatran elephant ivory, as a result of an investigation on rhino horn trade in Lampung province. This story begins with information from the community to the Rapid Reaction Team (TRC) whose members consist of forest rangers from the Bukit Barisan…

2019 Sumatran Rhino Semen Collection was a success

2019 Semen Collection was conducted in Sumatera Rhino Sanctuary Way Kambas on 21-23 July 2019, participated by Dr. Benn Bryant (White Oak Zoo), Dr. Scott Citino (Taronga Zoo), Dr. Terri Roth (Cincinnati Zoo), Dr Justine (Taronga Zoo), drh Esti (Balai TNWK), drh Nanta (IPB), Usman, Kosasih (IPB), doctors and keepers in SRS WKNP, YABI Executive…
