Menteri Kehutanan RI, Raja Juli Antoni, M. A., Ph.D. melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Suaka Rhino Sumatera (SRS) di Taman Nasional Way Kambas, Lampung
Lampung Timur – Pada Sabtu, 7 Desember 2024 Menteri Kehutanan RI, Raja Juli Antoni, M. A., Ph.D. melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Suaka Rhino Sumatera (SRS) di Taman Nasional Way Kambas, Lampung. Bersama kedatangan Menteri Kehutanan RI, hadir pula Direktur Jenderal KSDAE (Prof. Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Agr.Sc.), Direktur KKHSG (Nunu Anugrah, S.Hut., M.Sc.), Direktur PKK (Sapto Aji Prabowo, S.Hut., M.Si).
Dalam kunjungannya ke SRS TNWK, Menteri Kehutanan RI juga melakukan peninjauan fasilitas SRS TNWK, seperti fasilitas Ring 1 dan Ring 2 SRS, kandang perawatan badak “Delilah-Indra” dan kandang perawatan badak “Harapan.” Selain itu, Menteri Kehutanan RI juga meninjau calon lokasi Ring 3 SRS TNWK sebagai bagian dari peningkatan fasilitas semi-in situ di SRS TNWK agar dapat mengakomodir lebih banyak kebutuhan untuk perkembangbiakan badak sumatera.


A Visit by Young Rhino Warriors to Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) Way kambas NP

On February 17, 2020, we hosted a visit by 39 students and 14 teachers from Studio Alam elementary school of Sekolah Alam Indonesia , to Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park. Facilitated by staff from Way Kambas National Park and YABI SRS Staff, the visit to SRS were filled with fun experiential learning…

A Learning Visit by Law Enforcement Apparatus to Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary

On February 19, 2020 the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary hosted a visit by national level law enforcement apparatus consisted of 12 police officers from special crime task force, 11 state prosecutors, and 11 judges from across Indonesia. The visit was part of a cross stakeholder law enforcement training on the crime against wildlife, organized by state…

In House Training Patrol Protection For Wildlife and Its Habitat

Partnership and capacity building are two key elements for conservation of biodiversity to succeed. Just recently on February 7 and 8, 2020, in the town of Gisting, just in the outskirt of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, YABI with Bestari program, in support of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry held an in-house patrol training…

Valuable input from our Annual Board Meeting 2020

We received so many valuable inputs from our annual board meeting last Thursday 30 Jan 2020. Most of our member of the board, who are heavyweights in species conservation, particularly in Rhino conservation, attended the meeting, including Dr. Susie Ellis from IRF who joined online from United States. We are looking at our mountain of challenges ahead…
